The FEST 23: October 24 - 26th, 2025
  • SmartPunk
  • Visit Gainesville
  • Pabst Blue Ribbon
  • Ludwig Drums
  • Orange Amplification


We have very few volunteer slots left available!
As a result, we are canceling the volunteer meetings on September 25th, October 9th and October 17th.

Please attend the October 1st meeting (details below) to sign up for one of the remaining slots!

If you live in the Gainesville area (or have volunteered for PRE-FEST or FEST and did a stellar job) and want to help out and be a part of THE FEST 22, here is your chance!

THE FEST is looking for kickass, friendly and serious volunteers. Volunteers are always needed to help run FEST. We offer a free FEST 22 pass to anyone who works one (1) shift the weekend of FEST 22. You will also have the opportunity to purchase SPECIAL FEST 22 SHIRT for being part of the team. This is a design that no one else can buy and will truly be a unique design just for you. These are only for volunteers and DO NOT say VOLUNTEER on them so you can wear them the rest of your life without feeling like a big dork.


A shift runs about 6-8 hours depending on the job/venue/day and is anything from working registration, helping with the door/entrance at many of the venues, helping bands load equipment, stage/barricade security, and being a rockstar stage manager.

If you have moved away from Gainesville and have volunteered for FEST before and did a good job you can still volunteer without coming to an info/sign up meeting. If that is the case please email for more info and to make sure we have your current contact info. We would love to have you back to help make FEST 22 awesome!


2029 NW 6th St, Gainesville, FL 32609

Volunteer Sign Up Meeting #1 – Thursday September 19, 2024 @ 7PM

Volunteer Sign Up Meeting #2- Tuesday October 1st, 2024 @ 7pm * (RESCHEDULED FROM SEP 25TH)

Volunteer Sign Up Meeting #3- Wednesday October 9th @ 7pm * CANCELED

Volunteer Sign Up Meeting #4- Thursday October 17th @ 7pm * CANCELED

** Remember, you MUST be a Gainesville area resident in order to volunteer, or have volunteered for FEST in the past and are in good standing with us. You only need to attend ONE sign up/ info meeting to secure your shift**

Mandatory FEST Volunteer Training
Sunday October 20th, 2024 – 3PM
The Wooly
20 N Main Street Gainesville, Fl 32601


2) Picture ID
3) $10 cash / venmo/ paypal ($15 XXL or larger) to purchase your limited edition FEST 22 volunteer shirt
4) Your positive-can-do-anything-take-on-the-world attitude!

You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for updates.



Stage Manager is a position where you are in charge of the stage, the bands and the volunteers for the day. This is a position for someone who is not shy and has no problem running a team. You do not need experience to do this job, but you do need the confidence to pull it off. You will mainly be in charge of keeping the bands on time and organizing their load in and load out with the help of loaders. You will also be our representative of FEST with the venue we are using. Most stage managers will have (2) door volunteers and (2) stage hands to help the bands load in and out. You will not be left high and dry though. You will have a FEST HEAD REP that will be there at the start of your shift to show you the ropes and to check on you throughout the day. It is a bit more of a challenge, but the folks who have done it have truly enjoyed their shifts and have come back year after year to do it again at FEST!

HOURS:Longer hours. 7- 10 hours usually.

WHAT YOU GET: STAGE MANAGERS get (2) passes to FEST 22 for being so kickass. You can do whatever you wish with your bonus pass. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.



Think the Stage Manager position sounds interesting but just not ready to dive in yet this year? Well, this is pretty much what it sounds like. For the larger venues we give our stage managers an assistant and these stage managers will be very well seasoned with years of stage managing under their fanny packs. You will pretty much do whatever they need you to do, but you will also learn a ton and use that to run your own stage next year, we hope.

HOURS: 8 hours or less

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.



You will be at the command of the Stage Manager. You will be helping the bands load on and off stage. Since we only have 20 minute change overs, it is crucial that you swoop in with the quickness and help the bands out. You do not need to be the biggest bull in the yard, but you have to be able to help someone else move a guitar cab and carry drum gear. You will also sometimes help the stage manager with stage control. Keeping people on the side of the stage back behind the viewing line, or in smaller venues you are just helping the stage manager make sure the stage is free and running smooth. You will also help the stage manager grab waters, towels, etc. Fun job for sure since you are right on stage helping some of your favorite bands get to play the best shows of their lives.

HOURS: 8 hours or less

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.



You will be working the door/ front gates. The stage manager or FEST manager will show you most of the ropes and check on you throughout the shift. We do these shifts in pairs of two. Your main job is to be alert and check to make sure people are wearing FEST wristbands. If we have a WALK UP DOOR COVER then you will be taking the money as well and issuing paper wristbands for that show. The VENUE WILL CHECK IDs. You will never have to check attendees IDs for proof of age. You may have to check attendees IDs if they have purchased a ticket in advance or are on the band’s guest list. If there is someone being a jerk all you have to do is be patient and let the venue staff know. It is that venue bouncer at your side’s job to deal with any issues you have with bad folks.

*Bo Diddley & Heartwood Front Gates staff will work in teams so you will rotate positions throughout the shift. These spots may also include having to help with bag check.

HOURS: 8 hours or less

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.



This job is just offered at select venues (Bo Diddley Plaza, Heartwood, The Wooly, High Dive, and Vivid Music Hall). You will be sitting in pairs at the front gates of either venue. There you will take money if someone wants to attend the show but does not have a FEST 22 pass. They also may have pre-purchased a ticket to that day at that venue. If they did, they will let you know when they show up. You will check their ID vs. the WILL CALL LIST. If they are on the list, then they get a paper wristband just for that day at that venue. You will also check ID if someone says they are on the GUEST LIST for that day at that venue. This job is chill, seated and in the shade. Being responsible and friendly is all you need.. There will be a full print out guide for you and a FEST manager to assist if you need it.

HOURS: 8 hours or less

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.



Remember that time you crowd surfed and ended up behind the barricade and some guy with a headset and gloves tossed you to the ground? Well, we don’t like that, so when we started to have to use barricades for some shows we started asking folks if they wanted to volunteer their shift to be part of the solution and not the problem. You need to be on the bigger side of life, but you don’t have to be a man to do this. We have had some kick ass women volunteer for this shift as well. We also will have a FEST Security Veteran of many years there with you in the trenches to help guide you. GOALS: BE SAFE, BE FRIENDLY, BE SAFE. You see in the FEST video highlights our security always smiling and stoked to be helping the bands and the fans. We have even seen crowd surfers land in the arms of our barricade team only to give them big hugs once they are safely on their feet and grounded. This will only be at Bo Diddley Plaza.

HOURS: 5 hour shift for the most part. We want it to be shorter this year because it is hard work. However you get a 20 minute break after each band. Also, if you sign up for the first shift of the day it might be an hour or two longer because your first hour or two of work will be getting trained and waiting for the doors/ first band to start.

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.



This job is similar to Barricade Security (see above) in the sense that you will be making sure that folks that do crowd surf or try stage diving will land on the stage without getting hurt. You may also be asked by the stage manager to simply stand on one side of the stage to not allow folks up onto the stage, or have them just stay behind a line they have made on the stage.

HOURS: 5-8 hour shift for the most part. We want it to be shorter this year because it is hard work. However you get a 20 minute break after each band. Also, if you sign up for the first shift of the day it might be an hour or two longer because your first hour or two of work will be getting trained and waiting for the doors/ first band to start.

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.



This is loading in or out all of the production we need to make FEST happen at  Bo Diddley Plaza.  You will need gloves and be able to lift some big speakers, fences, setting up tents, tables, all sorts of stuff. This will be a team job so you will have the help of others. Be be ready to get dirty, sweaty and have fun.

HOURS: These shifts are very limited in numbers so get in early to sign up if you can. Hours are as long as it takes you and your team to get the job done but shorter than a normal volunteer shift. Plus, you get your work done so you are free to see all your most desired shows.

These shifts could start as early as Wednesday night for set up, early Thursday morning and breakdown starting at 9pm on Sunday night. You can find out more info at the sign up/ info meetings.

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.




BEVERAGE TICKET SALES = People want to drink cold things while at Bo Diddley during FEST. You get to sell them tickets that they can redeem for cold things. You will have to check their ID to see if they are 21+ and then sell them the amount of tickets they want. You will take cash or credit card. Being responsible and friendly is key! Must be 21+ These shifts go FAST so come to an early sign up meeting if you are interested.

BEER SLINGER = People who already purchased BEVERAGE TICKETS can redeem them with you for the cold things they wanna drink. They have already had their IDs checked. Now you get to be super friendly and get them what they want. Must be 21+. You will work in a large team with a kick ass FEST manager to help you. These shifts go FAST so come to an early sign up meeting if you are interested.

HOURS: 8 hours or less

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.



This is checking in everyone coming to the FEST and giving them their FEST 22 WEEKEND PASS! This shift rocks because you get to meet everyone attending FEST and once your shift is done the rest of the weekend is yours. And you get to sit down mostly. You’ll greet folks, take and check their photo IDs, look up how many passes they get, and encourage them to take guidebooks and posters and koozies.

This is a good job if you can get people’s attention in a louder environment and can pay attention to detail (to make sure you are handing out the right order)!

You will need to help us set up in the morning ONE HOUR before registration opens and be attentive for training (it’s simple!) and then help us tear down boxes and clean up at the end of the shift. During quiet times we’ll ask you to restock the tables with guidebooks and koozies and posters.

You MUST HAVE an up-to-date laptop (not a tablet or phone) with WiFi, a webcam, Chrome or Firefox and a recent version of Mac or Windows. The webcam is only to scan QR codes with your laptop.

We do count the wristbands we give you to give out and if the number doesn’t match up with how many people you checked in, you will not be invited back.

BOXCAR Beer & Wine Garden (Located at The Depot Station in Downtown Gainesville)

209 SE Depot Ave, Gainesville, FL

HOURS: FRIDAY OCT 25th – 11am – 7:30 pm *Must have a photo ID

WHAT YOU GET: (1) pass to FEST 22. Limited Edition SHIRT for FEST 22.

Gainesville Regional Airport
  • Liquid Death
  • Stupid Rad Merch Company
  • Iodine Records
  • Paramount Grill
  • Wunderland Tattoo
  • New Noise Magazine
  • Loosey's
  • Tullamore D.E.W. Whiskey
  • Anthem Tattoo
  • Montgomery Drive
  • Feed the Scene
  • Sinking Ship Records
  • Sell The Heart Records
  • Side One Dummy Records
  • Killer Guitar Rigs
  • Equal Vision Records
  • Dave Decker Photography
  • Dry Wrought Cider
  • Little Wing Studio
  • Meltdown Creative